The UnOfficial Raccoons Homepage

Thanks to . . .

And so, in no particular order, thanks to the people who made this page what it is today:

Chris Yates for some 45 episode synopses, along with the related song, year, production staff, and other information. His submission of these is the primary reason I got off my duff and started the Episode Guide.

Reuben Harris, another long lost contributor, for episode air-time information from Britain, and other information.

Tim Fay for some terrific mp3's from Evergreen Nights, some screen captures, episode synopses, and other great information.

Suam Pteryian for information regarding Catalyst Entertainment, episode information, song information and lyrics (esp. mystery lyric in "Lions and Tigers" :) ), and great mp3 song captures, along with a bunch of great screen/video captures, scans, and "Let's Dance" info. Also for hosting the mp3's of Raccoons songs on his ftp server for backup and mirror purposes.

Duy Cuong Nguyen for excellent mp3 work, some lyrics, and other assorted information.

James Fabiano for a bunch of episode synopses and information, specials synopses and information, actor biographies and notes, character profiles, and all sorts of other things. In short, a lot.

Stephan Lesch for episode synopses, character profiles.

Kese for an outstanding image of Cyril Sneer for the Who's Who Guide.

Rodney for some great WAV captures of songs, general song information, lyrics, episode information and air times, interesting theoretical mathematics and physics diversions, and moral support. :)

James Shaw (a.k.a. Blackrider) for voice information (he runs the Canadian Actors Archive) and some airing info.

Paul Marshall for many song lyrics, and the Windows 95 Raccoons screen saver and icons.

Mike McLain, fellow Irishman, for song lyrics.

Ben Anthony for Lisa Lougheed info.

Gerald Tripp, production man extraordinaire, for contacting me about the page and giving all sorts of interesting trivia and information.

And of course and most importantly: Maestro Kevin Gillis, without whom this show and this site would not exist.